« L’art est une noblesse généreuse et imprévisible, c’est ma Vie. »
Michel Pernès

Né en 1943 en Bourgogne, Michel Pernès hérite de son grand-père sa vocation d’artiste.
1961, il brosse sa première toile, une rue.
1963, l’école des beaux arts de Chalon sur Saône lui décerne son diplôme, suivra un diplôme en architecture la même année.
1981, la Jeune Chambre économique de Beaune lui ouvre une exposition personnelle à Beaune.
1983, la Maison des Artistes de Paris l’inscrit peintre professionnel.
Les expositions se succèdent en France à Chalon, Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg…et en Europe en Belgique, Suisse, Allemagne…
Il est primé aux salons de Paris, Lyon, Bruxelles et Rome.
1986-1990, il est invité à peindre et exposer aux Etats-Unis (Maryland, virginie, Delaware, Vermont). Ses toiles voyagent sur le continent américain.
1996-1999, le Qatar l’invite à peindre et exposer. Sur la demande du ministre de la culture, il enseigne à l’Ecole des Beaux Arts de Doha nouvellement inaugurée.
Monsieur Louis Leprince Ringuet lui décerne à Paris, la Médaille d’Encouragement Au Progrès.
L’Etat du Maryland lui décerne un Certificat de Reconnaissance pour services rendus en milieu universitaire.
Le Ministre de la Culture et le Prince Bin Abdulaziz al KUWARI lui remet un trophée et un certificat pour avoir formé et enseigné à L’Ecole des Beaux Arts de Doha.
2012, séjour en Inde.
Michel Pernès est présent par son œuvre dans le monde entier chez des collectionneurs au Brésil, Qatar, Japon, Nouvelle-Zélande, Etats-Unis, Europe, Russie, Canada, Australie.

Born in 1943 in Burgundy, Michel Pernès inherited his artistic vocation from his grand-father.
In 1961 he created his first oil, a street scene.
In 1963 he graduated from the Art School in Chalon and got the same year a diploma in architecture.
In 1981 the Economic Chamber of Beaune held an exhibition only dedicated to his work.
In 1983 he was registered as a professional painter to the Maison des Artistes in Paris.
Michel became more widely known and kept traveling to give new exhibitions in France (Chalon, Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg) and in Europe (Belgium, Switzerland, Germany…)
He was awarded prizes in art shows in Paris, Lyon, Brussels and Rome.
Between 1986 and 1990 he was welcomed in the United States. The American scenery of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Vermont inspired him very much and gave him opportunities to exhibit in different places and sell his work throughout the continent.
Between 1996 and 1999 he was invited by the Department of Culture as a guest of honor in order to paint, exhibit and also to teach his art at the brand new Art School of Doha.
He was recognized by the city of Paris with a bronze medal presented to him by Mr. Louis Leprince Ringuet as encouragement for his contribution to art.
The State of Maryland honored him for his contributing teaching in Elkton University.
The Department of Culture and Prince Bin Abdulaziz al KUWARI honored him with a trophy and a certificate for his teaching at the Art School of Doha.
2012 : Trip to India.
Michel Pernès has collectors throughout the world in United States, Canada, Japan, China, New -Zealand, Russia, Australia.